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THE READ is a recognized English online portal to publish the qualified writings. It works under the patronage of SWALAH- The students' union of DARUL HIDAYA DA'WA COLLEGE. 'THE READ' offers you a platform to express your views and ideas along with the improvement of your writing skills. We conduct literary conferences, seminars, polemics, symposia and paper presentation on selected subjects. The ultimate commitment of this venture is to hone the talents of students and improve their extra curricular assets through literary activities. 'THE READ' provides expert editors for your personal guidance and gives prizes regarding the excellence.

Submission Guidelines

  • 1-The work should be in English language and make sure to write rectifying grammatical mistakes.
  • 2-The works should be submitted via email in Microsoft Word format (.Doc or .Docx) or Rich Text Format (.Rtf).
  • 3-The complete decision over the publication is with the editors and they are absolutely free from providing reasons to the authors and artists of rejected works.
  • 3-Every writing should be accompanied by a declaration that it has not been sent for publication elsewhere and not published earlier in any other magazines or journals.