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Hotel Review

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The Fanaticism in the Pandemic; Annihilation of Protests

Subsequently, the government is taking advantage of the silence that the pandemic had created. It silenced afterwards the issue of farmers. It exhausted the fire of a burning city.

      The government had decided to receive citizenship of emigrants, despite from Muslims, amid the increasing Covid crisis in the country. The massive protests and campaign were withhold by students, activists, and the common people who had suffered much, opposing the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) proposed by Amit Shah in 2019. On the other hand, the less regard of the bill, when it was first proposed in Assam, silently strengthened the government to ensure it alongside the country. The resurrection of the act is absolutely to take advantage of silence that the pandemic had created. The fanaticism of the leaders is gradually annihilating humanity. 
When the act was first proposed mere in Assam, the reflection caused the foresight of the positivity when it'll be implemented alongside the country. The first time that religion had been overtly used as a criterion for citizenship under law. The protest was mainly led to Assam students' Union and they brought to the crannies of the country. Thus students owe a great part to the widespread protests and campaign against monarchy of the government.

     Similarly, myriads of protests were being held consequent of the approval of Loksabha to the amendment in citizenship, since students came forward with solid protests against the government. But the only way the authorities found to stop was harassment. The local supporters of the amendment invaded to the campus with the help of cops and left every one they met severely injured. Thus, it revealed the bias preservation at the guards who are undeniably appointed to preserve them.
      Subsequently, the government is taking advantage of the silence that the pandemic had created. It silenced afterwards the issue of farmers. It exhausted the fire of a burning city. When of the government is passing now, they can reduce the sound than the previous one. Here is the intense fantasy of the government that dares to conceal the casualties of the country. It's far more than humanity. Besides, the invasion of the government and the administrator Praful Patel into the privacies of Lakshadeep natives is being held alongside. And the administrator took majority of his services for the violation of laws.
      However, the widespread intolerance and inequalities against the minorities have to be stopped abruptly; the sounds which rise from the books are louder than mere screaming. All the precautions have to be made again these unjust activities of the government.


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