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Hotel Review

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To What Extent It Goes

Covid 19 has arrived in India to curb atrocities in the face of communal unrest. From the poor to the affluent, many have knelt before that pandemic.

Covid 19 has arrived in India to curb atrocities in the face of communal unrest. From the poor to the affluent, many have knelt before that pandemic.
Celebrities who were running for money without even having a moment to release their breath were locked and ready to sit in their own home. To a certain extent, the central government has been suppressing the peace in the minds of the people with daily religious and political extremism. Although many sectors tried to resist with great vigour during this crisis period, nothing crossed the 70%.
What is most troubling in such a situation is about the vindictive leaders who continue to be anti-religious midst of any survival of the fittest. The government is not completely successful in the process of reducing the death toll by giving free vaccine even as Covid is increasing day by day. While many countries are getting rid of this, now India is in a state of helplessness sinking into misery.
When all public institutions were allowed to reopen; only the places of worship remained closed. These windows are tarnishing the image of the government by giving concessions to political activities and hurting the religious beliefs of the people.
They are attacking the faith of the people without compromising to Covid protocol in keeping with the social norms.
In fact, it may be a consolation or a feeling of indifference to people who are not religious.
But a bunch of people who live in faith can’t tolerate this for long.
We are all in the greatest optimistic situation to overcome the pandemic crisis. May Almighty Allah bless us to survive it. Pray for it.


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