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Hotel Review

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Like the enlightened chants... that washes the shore... Nothing else remains... Just a handful of sand ...

Like the enlightened chants

that washes the shore.

Nothing else remains,

Just a handful of sand.


They're like morning stars

Cram the heart with love and happiness

Tackle my fears from thick to thin.


Darkness just squeeze me,

Like in hell.

But you cherish me in your arms

Replenish my soul with courage.


Drowns and downs kill me day by day.

But you lay the stepping stones,

To my success.


You might be miles away,

But you are still close to my heart

Like a heartbeat away.


You're truly the one for me 

My best friend, my buddy, my blood.

Can I ever stop loving you ?,

The answer is a big ' NO '.


Let me enjoy this moment right away

Like no more days left.

Note - one of the best days of my life.


Today - it's my happiness...

Tomorrow - it's a memory...

A beautiful memory!!!


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