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The Journey to You

You are the one I needed from the beginning That I never knew I always thought it was something else And I chased what I thought to be true.

You're the one I needed from the beginning

That I never knew

I always thought it was something else

And I chased what I thought to be true


I spent years on end looking for someone

Though my dreams pointed to you

And I got burned time and again

While time didn't run but flew


I finally gave up the search

And tried to live life anew

But guess who struts in through the door

The one I needed, You!!


I have to come out clean

To myself and you I need to be true

I picked up a lot of negatives

A clean up of my life is due


So be patient with me darling

Sit back, relax and enjoy the view

While I make this man a better me

And prepare the table for you

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