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Once It Lost, Never Gets

  A mother is a protector, chef, best friend, nurse, teacher for a child. A mother is the first teacher for every child. She sacrifices many of her wants and needs for the wants

          “Honoured my father But loved my mother"

    It is the words Of Adolf Hitler, one of the most well known and reviled figures in history. We all well know about Hitler. But we only know about the cruelty chapters of Hitler. He has a good heart beyond being cruel. The only person he genuinely loved in his entire life is his mother. If we are bad or disgusting person in front of the world, but we are always good in the heart of the mother. The love and affection of mother is endless spring.

    A mother is a protector, chef, best friend, nurse, teacher for a child. A mother is the first teacher for every child. She sacrifices many of her wants and needs for the wants and needs of her children. We can’t get any relationship like our mother. There is fatherhood, brotherhood and so on , but it can never be like the motherhood. If there is a word in dictionary which contains all other words, it might be the word, “MOTHER". No one can take the role of a mother.

    Mother is an icon of love. She is a river of mercy. When we troubled in something, the trouble leaves from our mind because of the words, or a single hug or kiss of our mother. We want to thank almighty God for giving a mother. Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) said: paradise lies at the feet of our mother. This pure words say us how Islam is giving importance to mother.

   We Can see this world, because of a women. It is our mother. A home is where a mom is. If there is no mom in a home, the home be like only bricks and cement. If there is no mother's love, it just like living in an empty world. We have five sense organs. Each organ have its own sense. But a mother have a sense beyond the other five normal senses. This sense can understand her child’s needs and wants.

   A mother’s love is beyond comparison. We can buy many valuable things in this world but we can’t buy a mother who loves you and treats you good. We want to give value for mother’s words and for her sacrifice. We should give her all happiness and love, because she deserves all of that in return for her selfless love for us. Those who have their mother with them, they must love and respect her. We should work and pray for our mother’s good health and well-being and try to keep her happy for all that she has ever done for us. We can find many treasure in this beautiful world but we can’t find a treasure like OUR MOTHER. It is priceless and don’t lost it. Even if we lost it, we can’t find another one that we got earlier.






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