
Travel Tips

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Hotel Review

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Let Me Know At Least

When I was staring at two kids fighting each other you passed me in a fraction of second but that second was enough for me to fall for you. I did not have even a clue that you

This was the place, where I realized what is the first sight love for the very first time! Still I remember the exact scene; it was a late Wednesday evening of sunny month.

When I was staring at two kids fighting each other you passed me in a fraction of second but that second was enough for me to fall for you. I did not have even a clue that you would have a look at me. 

But it all happened…

You searched for me in the next days

My heart searched for you in every crannies. 

Yes! The searches paved its way

We met, We spoke and became friends. We confessed ourselves and expressed everything that we had in our heart. 

Our hearts unified, Our mind started thinking alike, Our actions synced and our love grew bigger than mountains. 

We were ready to build our future together. We decided our place for residence. We decided our lives for the next 10-20 years. We decided long trips, one day outings, set up our retirement plans and managed everything that kept us together. 

Our peers supported us and made us know how much we were meant each other, how much we loved each other. Their amazement made us realize how good we were as a couple. Nothing was out of our hands. we had everything in our control

We chose our paths, our careers, the way to achieve. Everything  went as smoothly as we figured . We did not lose either our relationship or our careers.

I don’t even remember a single fight or misunderstanding we had in all these years, all we had was days full of love, competition to show more care, race in being affectionate, urge to succeed in life… and it was all only that.

Even if I think harder, I can barely remember very few of our arguments, those were too healthy and meant just for the sake of goodness of others…

So we don’t even have any reasons to be separated now right?

It’s seven months now… Am I not even worth enough to know the reason for your disappearance?

I can barely see myself in my house , it’s YOU! I could feel in each and every place of the house.

Yes home has become house…

The couch reminds me you, where we had a serious discussion on a random rom-com movie.

The balcony reminds me you, where we had a really romantic candle-light dinner on the third anniversary of our love… since we don’t like such celebrations it was the first and the last one I saved in my entire life.

The shoe stand reminds me you, where I learnt to arrange it in a proper order from you.

The picture on the centre of the living room remind me those golden days of my life where we stayed up late nights to study…even studying became an enjoyable part with you.

Where was the problem then? What happened for you to just abandon me like this?

I think hard to recollect even small things that happened…

Is it because I ordered coffee one day but you asked for tea?

Is it because I forgot to collect a book you asked from the library?

Is it because I made fun of you in that favorite shirt of yours?

Or is it because I refused to pose that weird picture of mine?

To be frank I don’t even know if you are alive or not.

I have an important personal work, so I am leaving, see you soon.

This was the last thing I heard from you..

I was matured enough to not ask you what it was after you said it’s your personal…

But you are not generous enough to let me know the reason of my pain.

I still visit this place thrice a week just to think about Us

I don’t ask you to come again just let me know what was the reason behind all this!




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