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Beyond the Veil of Bigotry

ILHAN OMER, Who has tweeted against Mr. Trump that “this is from CBC event hosted this weekend to celebrate black women in congress. The president of US is continuing to spread lie

Communalism was the main issue in recent US presidential election campaign. Mr. Donald

Trump’s speech which sharply wounded the spirit of humanity was highly controversial by its characters and meanings. At last, all the rumors were concluded on that his speech was poisonous and has injured the minority. His recent speeches and tweets against Muslim administrative and community make a way toward open fierce and agitation.

Hereby, some more speeches in his country in recent times make a way towards open debate and to agitation even among representatives. Now we have to take an over look upon veracities which obscure behind excessive speeches and emotions. Betwixt of this speeches and tweets, Trump faces two major problems. They are to secure his own ideology and to ensure special interest of majority, and to ensure his own crown by gaining special majority from those who were always sickened by secular thoughts and speeches [majority of US civilians include in those of emotions]

Why he famed as Racist?

As we have witnessed in recent times, in USA and UK, the major buzzword in media’s was based on racist thought. The major problem of repulse by the universality was penetrated to nobility of minority!. Even though skeptical words seems that even though Mr.Trump is trying to reveal his paradoxical character with his statement about Osman Qamnei’s massacre, that he had frighten to utter a further word about Islamic world because he was aware that his word will automatically lead to prejudices and it will be last word before his death! Even though he was reluctant to talk and make peace with Iran so many daysThen he was condemned about his activities by both political and diplomatic experts. But we have to keen a look on why he is depicting his activities as beneficial to Arabic realm and in other hand he depicts his activities and policies as fanatical communalism?. Now, along with evidences and recourses we can say that in a side he is trying to betray Islamic realm and  in other hand he is promoting Islamic enmity, the large example lays along with London mayor

ILHAN OMER, Who has tweeted against Mr. Trump that “this is from CBC event hosted this weekend to celebrate black women in congress. The president of US is continuing to spread lies that put my life in trouble. Is twitter must have to combat this misinformation?” pivotal problem from part of her tweets was begun when Mr. Trump retweeted for a tweet by Williams’ original post that, Williams asserted, that ILHAN OMAR , member of AOC plus3 , will win a great support” while Trump had retweeted for his post in certain bigotry and fanatic rationalist behavior that her film of footage was taken on the 911 anniversary. Now ILHAN OMAR was a prey of a communal tweets either from part of Trump or representatives .So, reason is simple that she was a black women and a refugee from Somalia as well as she was a Hijab worn Muslim women.

The big benefit of poison!

Now let see eerie roundings of Trump’s policies and his approach towards the Muslim minorities and countries with different decisions and even speeches. His absurd central Asian mission had proved what he had want from those condemns and decryings that he want more disgusting behaviour from part of civilian . For Trump as a president of a prosperous country speaking about any word about Muslims considered as a political and diplomatically gains. Even he is hardly using such elements to prove that neither he nor his party supports Islam’s growth and he will rend golden memory of Islamic civilization with air of dilemma and turmoil.

As much as his speeches and tweets indicates that he not only aims by his words the internal affairs, but also to denigrate recent president’s golden memorial speech .He is also trying to denigrate what Barak Obama had gained in near pasts through his controversial interview with Al Arabia after bomb blast made by a jihadist approach .

Trump had used his promulgated ideologies against Islam for several times. Another better example lies with London mayor Mr. Sadhiq khan, who was accused on twitter by Mr. Trump after 5 days of remarkable tragedy near London bridge that pathetic excuse by London mayor who had to thing fast on his ‘no reason to be alarmed’! Now, Mr. Trump not only attributed to raise of fanatical racism his own country but also in England. By his tweet he misattributed to rise of radical Islamist terrorism as well as discrimination. Now a major question is rising that apart from this, can Donald Trump try to interpret upon another country’s internal issue with accusing its own mayor as a terrorist?. Answer will get simply that he is president of US. Now I index upon this aristocratic democracy’ you can simply guess its ridiculous character that someone to condemn others.

Among this communal approach, not only administrative was condemned but also common men are prey of their speeches or tweets. The most remarkable matter is that not only leaders in ‘developed countries’ had condemned Islam but also common men and women, but it won’t be heared in any discussion because it is a cycle of our world that media only reveal what they have if it is more ‘money maker’.

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