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Pathetic Experience of Assamese Culture

Experiencing original cultures and sensing long-standing civilizations are definitely illuminating elements; it produces several growth and advancements acquired by diverse bygone

Experiencing original cultures and sensing long-standing civilizations are definitely illuminating elements; it produces several growth and advancements acquired by diverse bygone and historical blunders of hitherto primitive society. Emilie Durkheim, one of founding fathers of sociology, claims that both culture and civilization are social facts, additionally he states: “Society is the base of all other factors existing in it; everything is believed to be imperfect without the presence of society”. Here I would like to draw your attention towards the contemporary Assamese culture and its civilization prevalent in inhabitants and populace.

Obviously, Assam had a rich culture and civilization, the state of highest tea production in India, hub of several old tribes, nerd of diverse indigenous and colonial powers. It was a multidimensional state by which each power-oriented influences sought to capture and annex it within. It was supposed to be economic and commercial driven center by reason of linking many international boundaries like Bangladesh, Bhutan and Myanmar. People rushed to this state for their survival and livelihood in ancient and medieval periods. Nevertheless, the modern Assamese culture has drastically changed and altered as people thought to develop and improve internally.

In fact, Agriculture and team farming are the seminal occupation of the Assamese tribes; and later it would be possible to get the fishing as medium of their survival. Principally they all are reliant on agriculture and farming as different specific types of cultivation are originated in, not found in any other states. Their main source of income is cultivation and tea farming additionally hooked on it. Once the crops are harvested or finished they are totally free to feel the commotion of village magnetism. Major people are dependent on agricultural economic. Realistically, farmers are backbone of inclusive society that affords ample reasons for the society to survive. There is no lifespan without agriculture and farmers anywhere in the biosphere.

The most distressful experienced problem in the villages was the malnourishment of children as they are set free to take their future decisions, no enough focus is driven by parents towards them, No any supplementary parental guidance for education to furnish the forthcoming life. Hardly children will complete the matriculation following which they begin to assume of minimal income for luxury not for serving parental needs and family adversities. The more they earn the more they feel luxurious, In contrast, only few take interest to support family and maintain balance. Because of peer group influences, students might obligate parentages to accomplish the prior requirements unless they will hang or leave the home. Despite these, only few are interested in higher education especially Muslims. Prevalent fallacy among Muslim is that government recruits only for non-Muslim as they are deprived of basic rights but do not think of incomplete requirements in themselves.

Another predominant dilemma is of the self-marriage with their choices. Love marriage is much common in village areas rather than arrange marriage. Commonly girls select their life partner in the institutes and get married to them even though if they are not professionally settled. Immaturely, they get married even without the consent of their parents. They face end number of maturity glitches like delivery, physical development and mental growth. Parents do not permit married girls to enter the home for long periods even they do not accept as their off-spring in some areas. Commonly, in teenage children get to practice and fulfill their own choices without the knowledge of parents. Parents do not acquire the reasons of absence from dawn to dust, reaching to home late in nights, thus children feel it permitted and start to practice unlawful activities like drugs, smoking and what not. Therefore, Children must be restricted from infantry to teenage so they can internalize several basic rules and regulations of society and humanity.

In nutshell, we can suppose of pathetic situation of Assamese culture. Due to considerations are not paid to children as well as rules, regulations and norms are not well internalized into children ,if it was well maintained and managed then everything would go in good way but alas zilch is translated into action. Now, we must be focusing on the present situation to reform the future.

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