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India Celebrates Its 75th Independence Day, but Still in 1975

The Indian freedom struggle was the most United freedom struggle the world has ever seen. The whole factions, regardless of their caste, color and religion United for the freedom s

The Indian freedom struggle was the most United freedom struggle the world has ever seen. The whole factions, regardless of their caste, color and religion United for the freedom struggle and formed the great Indian national league. Although we are independent now, the scandalous policy of the British, ‘divide and rule’ had adversely affected the prosperity and unity of our country. Today, we are celebrating our 75th independence day, but no change has happened in its form and appearance since 1975.

About 46 years ago,  In 1975 India has gone through the black chapters of its history. In June 1975, Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi announced the national emergency. It's one of the greatest challenges faced by Indian democracy. Due to this unpredictable emergency, several prominent opposition leaders were imprisoned, censorship restrictions were imposed on newspapers, workers lost the right to strike and about 5 lakh people lost their jobs. It brought the Indira Gandhi regime out of power and bankrupt the Indian economy.

  Today India celebrates its 75th anniversary. However, now India is going through the second part of the national emergency. There are more restrictions on newspaper and religious activities, the government puts the privacy of the people up for sale, the criminal becomes witness the witness becomes criminal, the intimidation puts upon the judiciary, demographic judiciary. And raping women, killing innocent people, police protecting the criminals, snatching the land of farmers are the regular events of our democracy. And the students lost the right to education, and the right to eat food as their own choice, Jailed those who stand with the truth. Father of nation Mahatma Gandhi becomes a traitor, and the Assassin of Mahatma Gandhi a, the traitor Godse becomes a Patriot. Now, the whole thing reciprocated; the patriot who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the nation were accused of being communalists, the shoe lickers of the British who betrayed the country are eulogized as patriotic. The real history is stolen and they were distorted by some impartial historians or RSS activists following their bias and arguments.

  Whatever they have done to our past legacy, we all are responsible to find our lost history. Besides, we have to protect the future of our children and their education. We have to protect the rights given by the Indian constitution. We have to recover from our financial crises and make a stable economy. This should be our slogan on every Independence Day. Remember, once India will become the safest and most secularist country in the world...

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