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Muslim Identity in Crisis in Modern World

While having a social life in this modern era, living as a Muslim is quite an adventurous task. At all the time, he is obliged to live on the verge of fear and the edge of despair.

While having a social life in this modern era, living as a Muslim is quite an adventurous task. At all the time, he is obliged to live on the verge of fear and the edge of despair. Because anti-Islamists attribute Islam to terror and horror and share the fake unseen stories of Islam in the media. At the same time, they hatch the conspiracies to demotivate and ill-treat the concepts of Islam.

Amidst all these hullabaloos, there raises a question, What is the Identity of a Muslim? Identity is a fundamental concept to all human society about an individual. It involves every dimension of human life. Beliefs, lifestyles, ethnicity, and cultures can be defined by understanding the Identity of an individual.

 To become a Muslim, one should believe in Allah and his messenger. Following the Quranic perspectives and including the teachings of Hadeeth in life, helps a Muslim to become perfect. He was also taught to be humble and passionate to every creature of Almighty including plants and animals. And it is clear through a Hadeeth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when he said:

ارْحَمُوا مَنْ فِي الأَرْضِ يَرْحَمْكُمْ مَنْ فِي السَّمَاءِ

Piety those who are in the earth and the almighty will make piety on you. And this universal proclamation of mercy reveals the actual Identity of Islam.

    When the black hands of Al-Qaeda demolished the prestigious world trade center, situating in the heartland of New York, It was the Muslim community of Afghans victimized for the barbaric tortures and brutal aggressions. From there, a series of stereotypes blazed against Islam where the word "islamophobia” was brought to the mainstream media misinterpreting Islam as a fear to the world. As per the dream of anti-Islamists, nowadays everyone considers and treats each Muslim as the man of Taliban, Boko Haram,  Lashkar Twaiba, and the latest ISIS. However, they neglect the actual message of the Quran where Allah says:

من قتل نفسا بغير نفس أو فساد في الأرض فكأنما قتل الناس جميعا 

Whoever slays a person unless it is for a murder or for spreading mischief in the land, it would be as he slew all the mankind and the Quran continues:

ومن أحياه فكأنّما أحيا الناس جميعا 

Whoever saves a life, it would be as he saved the lives of all human beings...

The growing identity crisis of Muslims is due to the Muslim world's current situation in the 21st century. When the "so-called Islamic" " terrorist organizations rise one after another, it led to the European and American political and military interventions in most  Muslim majority countries. Eventually, these forces sacked out the national leaders from Muslim countries, claiming a false dictatorship and anarchy. In return, they appointed leaders who support their agenda and follow their propaganda disregarding the nation's will. Ousting Saddam Hussein and his regime in 2003 and his execution in 2006  and the dramatic moves behind throwing out democratically elected Mohammed Mursi in a coup to dictate after protests in June.  After all these interventions, the Muslim communities are always prosecuted for brutal aggressions and blatant massacres from all sides.

Amidst all these hindrances and tragedies, Muslims are quarreling each other in the names of sections and groups, for the sake of leaders and fame. Endless Shia-Sunni conflicts from Iran-Iraq to Syria, the Gulf wars are the worst among them.

 While the infields trying to erase and wipe out the actual identities of Islam, Muslims are at the forefront to fulfill their day-night dream.  The messenger of Allah proclaimed Muslims as a body, while  the almighty instructed his believers in the Holy Quran

واعتصموا بحبل الله جميعا ولا تفرّقوا  

And hold firm the rope of Allah and don't get divided yourselves. 

If the Muslims are get divided and fight each other then it is an easy task for the infidels to devastate the power and prestige of Muslims. In the modern era, the bearded man is coined as a terrorist and more importantly, the Islamic theories and teachings are being distorted and misinterpreted.

There is also a responsibility upon Muslims to maintain their identities in the best way.


1. Ref: Muslim Identity in the era of globalization- GRIN

2. Narrated by Abdullah bn Amr. It is also claimed in Sunanu Abu Dawud (4941), Sunanu thirmuzi (1924), Ahmed (6494)

3. Ref: 9/11: the big lie

4. Surah Al maaedi verses no 32

5. Ref: Aljazeera feature US bankrolled anti-Morsi activists

6. Ref: wiki Iran-Iraq war 

7. Ref: cfr The sunni-shia divide

8. Surah Al Imran verses no 103

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