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Two Poems

Out of the suffocating crowd, When I am all alone at last. I put off everything I wore for the world, My clothes and my mask. I look at the mirror on my bathroom wall, I find

Sweet Morning Hush


Out of the suffocating crowd,

When I'm all alone at last.

I put off everything I wore for the world,

My clothes and my mask.

I look at the mirror on my bathroom wall,

I find myself all alone,

Lying with my mind at ease,

On the cold bathroom floor.

I look at my reflection painted on the mirror,

Utterly beautiful yet so painful.

My eyes filled with pouring grace,

That's healing yet baneful.

I run my fingers through my short hair,

And then to my high-held neck.

I look at the eternal womanly beauty,

Residing on my flesh.

I looked at the stars like marks on my back,

My own beautiful constellation.

You might have not seen them,

Actually, they don't like much invasion.

My sight melts down to my legs,

Long, symmetric and freshly shaved.

Yet some wounds on them appear so clear,

Like memories peeking out that earlier encaved.

And as I caress my legs my focus,

Suddenly shifts on my left arm,

That have beautiful parallel lines engraved,

Possessing an unignorable charm.

And I sit there in complete silence,

Hearing the voices inside my head,

Admiring the womanly beauty I've got,

On both sides of my flesh,

The morning light barges in from the little window,

Making the pinks and browns of my skin glow,

Reminding me I have to put on the clothes and masks again.

It's morning so it's time to go.





The sunset is so beautiful

From this broken glass pane

The yellows, oranges and reds,

Staining each other,

Like three passionate lovers

In a love triangle.

Me and my glass pane, both broken

Sit there in silence.

Looking at this beautiful,

Yet painful scene.

We see the colours loving and giving in.

And then,

Losing everything.

Now they're broken like us.

And they're gone.

Like we went away.

Now there's darkness.

Complete darkness.

Because stains of the love,

Are black.


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