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When UAE Normalize With Israel

After 26 years, an Arab country has come to a deal with the Zioninst country Israel. It was Jordan agreed with Israel later on 1994 after Egypt did it earlier being the first

After 26 years, an Arab country has come to a deal with the Zioninst country Israel. It was Jordan agreed with Israel later on 1994 after Egypt did it earlier being the first Muslim country to agree Israel as a state on 1979. Now it is the turn of UAE as they signed the deal, namely Abraham Accords, in the White House on 15 September 2020. Not surprisingly Bahrain Also joined the American brokered deal in the last time exposing the sincerity to their closed friends in the region.

It's not just only the permission of the airspace of Emirates for flights of Israel to fly directly on but also the beginning of abandonment of Palestinian cause from Arab world. As Saudi Arabia allows the flights in their airports and Oman praises the deal and starts the negotiations with Israel both too will join this attractive root troop of Zionist-Muslim group in the middle east. As the media show it as "historic”, it can also conclude it is a "historic betrayal" or "stab in the back" as Palestinians shouted in the streets. In 1947 when the state of Israel established, these proud Countries even have not a single relation other than diplomatic one. But this one became an “immoral affair" as media criticised. We also happened to hear the voices Supporting "Jews" inside holly harem from mouths of Imam Sudais, The Grant Mufthi of Haramain who once shouted them as pigs in same arena.

'Need of time'

The main characters in the Normalizing this drama are three; Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu and Muhammed Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan. It was the great victory for them after the series of failures. The American first citizen have to come to his space for his second term. Besides it his mission to the middle east was almost failed. His son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner was assigned to the region. The "deal of the century" which was said to stop the conflict between Israel and Palestine became totally wind. In this case the zionist lobbyist Trump had to save the face of Kushner, satisfy Israel, show the signs of success to his fellow Americans and win the second term. His counterpart Netanyahu was same too. His government was formed with a tough coaliation as he may slip as president any time. Besides, the extremist right wing in his coaliation criticized him for the slowing down of West Bank annexation. He failed in dealing with the Covid pandemic in his country. When he successed in dealing with wealthiest county in region he can rise his head before his civilians. In the case of Abu Dhabi crown Prince MBZ, as he is widely known, he needed the deal most. He was at the blink of the biggest failure of an Emirates ruler. He failed the military coup in Turkey, Siege in Qatar and the siege in Tripoli.Besides, his autocratic rule was a bait for the media. By this deal, he found a refuge in Israel for his easier continuity of the crown wearing. It concludes that it is a mutual understanding as they have to help each other as "need of the time". Let the proverb be true "the friend in need is a friend in deed".

"Peace for peace"

When Abudhabi agreed with Tel Aviv earlier on August Netanyahu had tweeted as it is "peace for peace". Although it's a peace between them is it for peace? Can there be an end to Israel - Palestine conflict? The answer is a big no. The history of Israel will prove it, it has no change still and should not change ever. The peace in "for peace" is that of Israel in the region, it will not end the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands, but it will add more energy for them. As the treaties with Jordan and Egypt remain write in sand it will be too. Netanyahu only stopped the annexation of West Bank only till the fire extinguishes. Along with the short term aim of Netanyahu there is a long term aim too. That is the dominance in middle east. As US withdraws the troops from the region they have to assign their best allies there as it's main stream. Till now Israel was surrounded by the strangers but when these become relatives they can rest in "peace". There will be also funding of Emirates for them even though they didn't spend a single coin for in- need Jordan and Egypt.

      WhenIsrael promote the extreme dictatorship of those rulers they also can prevent the voices of subjects.

The other side

As these big names go forward by these, there is another side of big numbers. The determined people of Palestine will never give up as they have been seduced by the money. They will carry on streets with the stones and flags until the state of Palestine established. The claiming of the land before 1967, when six-day war happened, East Jerusalem as capital was strengthened gradually.Whole Muslim countries were with them in this "simple claim". Now they have lost a big one. The the statement of Palestine Authority condemning the deal has failed in Arab League too. In this case there has risen the voices of unity. Fatah and Hamas as the two big parties there should have to join their hands. Hamas welcomed the statements of PA, under Fatah calling it as betrayal and "stab in the back". Besides Jibril Rajoub of Fatah and Saleh Arouri of Hamas Conducted a joined press conference insisting on the unity. It will help the people to strengthen their fights. As we know that the Arab rulers never look to the subjects, the people will be never with the deal. The number of the Arab citizens supporting the Palestinian cause is increasing. The Arab Opinion Index shows that when it was 84% in 2011 it was 87% in 2018. But what benefit when these mouths were covered. Besides, it will encourage the polarization in Muslim world, as the deal also said to be an arrow not to Iran but Turkey.

Erdogan ruled country has risen a big threat to Saudi Arabia for the dominance of the Muslim world. Turkey along with Iran, Malaysia and Pakistan have criticized the deal very harshly. Since now the latter pole will be the need of time while more Arab countries shake their hands with Israel.


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