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Sayyid Azhari: Unique Genius in the Path of Knowledge

Sayyid Abdur Rahman Impichikoya Thangal, popularly known among the Malayalis as ’Sayyid Azhari’, was one of the prominent polymaths in Kerala. He was a genius of the twentieth

Sayyid Abdur Rahman Impichikoya Thangal, popularly known among the Malayalis as ’Sayyid Azhari’, was one of the prominent polymaths in Kerala. He was a genius of twentieth century as he played a vital role in the concept of global dissemination of knowledge. The greatest glory of his identity was the advancement of Arab connection of scholarship with Kerala that had been maintained for centuries. As a global scholar and lecturer at international Muslim universities, he reached  at the presidency of Samastha Kerala Jamiyyathul Ulama, which was his greatest endorsement.

Birth and Family lineagea

Sayyid Azhari was born in 1930 to Syed Mohammad Kochu Koya, Sheikh of the Rifai order and Fatwimathu Suhra Pookunji Beevi. The family was based in Marathamkode, near Kundamkulam in Thrissur District. His father, Kochukoya Thangal, was a religious scholar and the first Baqavi graduate from the sayyid family. He returned home in 1921 after completing this studies.

Their family lineage goes back to the  Al-Aidaruzi Prophet (PBUH) family. The Aidruzi lineage came to Kerala in the 1800s from Hadharmouth, Yemen.  Sayyid Abdurrahman Al Aidaruzi - rests at Ponnani Valiyajarathingal- was the early scholar of this Aidruzi lineage in Kerala. From this lineage, one branch later shifted to Thottumukham and the other to Idakkazhiyoor. Sayyid Azhari was in the latter.

Higher Studies and Teaching

As it was the custom of that time, Sayyid Azhari received the primary religious education from his father. This strengthened a strong foundation in his world of knowledge. After that, he studied Dars from his father's classmates Kechery Moitheen Kutty Musliyar, Kallur Tharakandi Abdurrahman Musliar's disciple Muhammad Musliar and Karingappara Muhammad Musliyar. All the important religious books taught in Kerala were studied in that period. These education periods were also a turning point for his rich future. After completing his Dars education, he went to Baqiyat at Vellur in 1948 for graduation. It was a time many famous scholars were studying and conducting Dars there. From there, Sayyid Azhari became a disciple of Shamsul Ulama. After three years of study, he received Baqavi graduation and returned home in 1951.

Many famous people were there as his classmates. Some of them are K.C. Jamaluddin Musliyar, Podiat Bapu Musliyar, Ahmad Alim Sahib, Antona Abdullah Musliyar, Kaipatta Kunjimoitheen Musliyar, Kappad Kunhahammad Musliyar.

After completing his studies at Vellore Bakhiyat, he returned to Talakadathoor in 1951 and became a Dars Mudarris. This was the common practice of the scholars of that time. Talakadathoor Dars was very impressive and about 100 students came to study there, even though it was the beginning of his teaching journey.

He was pondering on learning new things as he realized that he has to travel a lot in search of the depths of knowledge. So he left the Dars and wanted to continue the journey on the path of education.  He went to Deoband for higher studies and in a short period, he graduated as Qasimi. After completing his studies, he returned to Talakadathur and continued Dars.

Educational Travels in Arabia

Even he attained the Baqavi and Qasimi graduation, he did not want to end his study travel. Later, he went to  Egypt’s famous Al-Azhar University. There he joined an Aalimiya course. Sayyid Muhammed Ali Shihab was his junior there. He completed MA from there and through this he was known as 'Sayyid Azhari'

After studying al-Azhar, continued study at Cairo University. He later joined the Mahad al-Dirasat al-Islamiya in Riyadh. These study journeys extended to PhD. During this time, he was able to establish contacts with many scholars and visit many libraries in Arabian countries.

After his long studies, Sayyid Azhari returned to teaching. His first lecturer service was at Al Bailam Mohammed Sanouzi University in Libya. worked there for two years. Then, he came to Makkah for Hajj and started teaching activities. Some Arabs appointed him as a teacher at Training College in Wadi Wazir. He served at the historic place Khulais and Najd.

Spiritual Life and Appearance in Samastha

When he was in Arabian countries, he had many chances to travel to famous historical sites and to meet many Sufis and establish a spiritual relationship with them. Then he was known as the sheikh of many orders, especially Qadri.

Sayyid Azhari came to Samastha with his unbreakable connection with Shamsul Ulema. He had already grown into a leading scholar and he became a focus in conferences and meetings. Firstly, he served as the Vice President of Samastha and after the death of K.K Hazrath in 1995, he became the president and remained until 2004.

Arabic Literature and Notable Works

Sayyid Azhari had acquired absolutely mastery in Arabic literature, history and language. He handled the Arabic language effortlessly between Arabs. One of his specialities was that he was able to teach Arabic literature to Arab students.

He has written many short articles and was best known for his two works in Arabic. One is about his favourite language and area of work, the Arabic language and Arab world, other is about his homeland of Malabar and its Islamic movement and scholars. 1. Al-Arab al-Arabiya: It describes in detail the origins of the Arabic language, the Arab tribal cultures, and the development of the Arabic language from the Jahili period to various periods. This book is very useful for Arabic learners. 2. Min Nawabi Ulamai Malaibar: This is a biography of famous scholar and author Kaipatta Beeran Kutty Musliyar. It also provides an overview of the Islamic history of Kerala and many scholars and Sayyids in Kerala. This work has done a great deal to introduce Malabar and its scholars between Arabs.

Last days

Sayyid Azhari had been resting at home for years at the end of his eventful life. Still, his house was filled by many seekers of knowledge. His contributions and writings are extensively discussed in all the research areas of the Arabic language. Then he passed away on November 22, 2015 (safar 10,1437).


Cover Picture by Zyed Sahad

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