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Saffronisation of Christians and Transformation to “Chrisanghies”

Coming after RSS, the responsible of the Christian Sabhas are jabbing the race-related matters under the shadow of Sabha and annihilating the harmonious atmosphere of Kerala.

Kerala, the god’s own country is considered the most secular and harmonious state in India. But recently it’s losing its secularity due to some accumulated cases based on religion and by some racial tasty references. This is a great threat to the religious harmony of Kerala. They are trying to split and crave up the society into parts and inject racial kinds of stuff to believers. Coming after RSS, the responsible of the Christian Sabhas are jabbing the race-related matters under the shadow of Sabha and annihilating the harmonious atmosphere of Kerala. Let’s hope for them not to be those old plague scandalmongers. Very recent incidents and issues denote their mysterious interests to split up the society. Recently, a controversial speech of Pala bishop Joseph Kallarangatt became a huge problem in society. He came with a reference to a new jihad by accusing the Muslims for “narcotic jihad” after the love jihad, to tarnish Muslim community and split up the society by collapsing the religious harmony among the people.
Talking about the love jihad first, it is started and confirmed by the state police, central administration, National investigation agency, women's commission and human right commission that the women who were married to Muslims, they converted to Islam by their own will and nobody forced them to do that. But these Sabhas didn't even know this. By this ignorance, they showed up with a new jihad “Narcotic Jihad” without any proof or knowledge.
      It is confirmed that the problem is not only bishop Kallarngatt but, he is a mere symptom and the who got diseased is a very few Catholic leaders and some priests. It is always reactionary in their stands but recently they are being kind of extreme and rising a Sanghparivar agenda in their Sabhas and their references. It is a great threat to this community, especially to the Christian believers. Muslims have a clear and vivid stand on drugs and alcohol but Pala bishop accused that Muslims are tempting other religions people by using the drugs. While Islam has prohibited drugs. It is condemned In Islam. The matter of solace is so many Christians also came to rebut the view of the Pala bishop. The main point of the accusation is, after converting them to Islam by the drugs they will be forced to join terrorist organisations.
Recently, after the legislature election, Sabah is being extreme Islamophobic and it especially affected the spokesmen of Sabhas. Syro Malabar Sabha after the failure of Congress in the last Lok Sabha election started to gratify the BJP and RSS while they are being hunted nationally by the RSS agenda. The main claim of Syro-Malabar, Syro-Malankara, Orthodox, Marthoma and Yakobaya Sabhas is they are converted from sovereign (Savarnas). That mindset made them join Sankhparivar.
Muslims and Christians are the two main prominent minorities of Kerela and the agenda of BJP is to split up into two and collapse the religious harmony. The reason for BJP for accepting Pala bishop is they are on the same wavelength and their aims are the same. Pala bishop cited in his speech that “in the last election BJP couldn't achieve anything in Kerala. The social engineering of Amith Sha is not working here. So, This is the only way for them to get a position in Kerala that to accompany a Christian group with them so they can make a movement here”.
The other Controversy reference of Christian Sabah was about the Name of the film “EESHO” by Nadir Sha. The catholic congress had come to light and argued to change the name of the movie. They cited that it's kind of humiliating the Christian believers. This kind of reference can be considered and counted as one of the extremely embarrassing events to the list of shameless deeds and references of some ignorant Priests and believes. While the majority of their believers and other priests are not supporting and bracing this embarrassing stupidity.
These kinds of reckless deeds are not being dangerous for Nadir Sha or other religions but Christians. Most of the Christian is leading a mature life in society for a long period and they were agreed and respected by others. But recently, their own bishops and Priests are trying to tear down the communal harmony and religious amity and supporting with RSS agenda, who were suffering from RSS outbreaks of Violence -Now the responsibility of the Christian Sabah, some bishops and Priests are deserved to be called “Chrisanghies".  Because they are melding into BJP and trying to collapse the religious harmony and destroying the Christian community who were living here in prosperity by sharing the social harmony. So, this is not only the responsibility of Muslims or others to prevent them but also Christians. No, especially Christians.
Christian believers of Kerala should be concerned about their leaders’ concepts and references because it will be the cause of the degradation of the whole Christians in Kerala and give importance and support to the concern of the young father James Pavanel who come with the reference of “Chirsangi” which is very suitable for the current situations of some bishops. Because now the bishops are following the agenda of RSS. There are so many good and intolerant bishops and priest among them and they have to make the believers aware of these kinds of ignorances and tell them not to be tricked into it, like father James Pavanel who concerned about the Christian society and father Poul Thelakkad, he mentioned that there is no problem for naming that film “EESHO”. 
As we saw RSS, an extreme group we can get that this kind of Christian extremes can be the same or more than extreme. It is a great threat to the Kerala community especially the  Christians. There is a quote of Francis Marpappa from his speech in Clementine hall on 2021 May “ if there is a mistake in his words, it is enough to correct media. But it won't be able to reinstate the dignity of the wounded man”.

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