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EIA Draft 2020: Environment Is No More

Most recently  Pettimudi in Idukki witnessed a horrible situation resulting from a landslide which stole lives of many poor  people.  In 1984, Bhopal had startled with another

    A good environment is one of the most invaluable asset of a country. It offers very secure and transparent way of life for the people. The greenish  paddy  fields, vast and wide raw of hills and mountains , sky touching trees, small beautiful plants and pristine rivers , really strengthen the beauty of the nature and pave the way to make the course of the life very easier . This is why  UNO has considered a special day for the preservation of the environment. July 5 is not a mere day to get by but to discover and look into newer ideologies and institutionalized ways to conserve the environment.

    Nowadays , natural disasters and ecological problems are taking place as usual.  Most recently  Pettimudi in Idukki witnessed a horrible situation resulting from a landslide which stole lives of many poor  people.  In 1984, Bhopal had startled with another terrible conditions as it was struck upon many people even small children. So the drafts like EIA 2020 Should be analysed or effectively suspected on  these disasters which had been caused by extreme violation over ecological system.

EIA 2020 and its  deffects

Before going to inner walls of EIA 2020 , there should be paid heed to EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment). It is a good methodology to control the environment . As it suggests, it effectively creates a chance to restrict  the vast accumulations of buildings, factories or another nature devastating systems. It instructs more preference to the views and opinions of the people when a factory is being decided to build in any area. The consent of central government or Environment Ministry should be provided if a company decides to build a factory. In 1970’s, planning commission  had suggested governments to conduct a study about environmental deffects caused by building of big dams and others. In1968, the environment law was introduced and could be known as the first environmental law of the country. As mentioned earlier, Bhopal disaster enlarged the importance of a practical, creative and well planned system. At last, in 1994 , EIA was founded and based on prior environmental clearance, common hearing and public evidence.

Coming to EIA draft 2020, it is a draft that completely changes the face and the whole structure of EIA. It is dilemmatic that why ministry of environment compulses to introduce this new draft without letting people to think more and discussing with skilled brains.

Disguising the gigantic pandemic, central government proves how a law can be drafted into their own way, capitalising on unawareness of people . So they are trying to laid a foundation for cooperates to get in and implement their strategy here. As recently, what central government decides to privatize airports and other public sectors could be read together with this.

Getting in to  more elements that have been underwent to changes, this draft avoids numerous  industrial sectors and progressing building works from the list of the categories that should be given environmental clearances. Land mining, mineral substances costing to one crore, Cement producing units, petroleum producing units, transportations works in hilly areas are of those avoided sectors. Secondly it doesn’t want any another clearance for highways lesser than 70 meter in breadth and it offer more exceptions for natural gas mining in seas and thermal plants. It also kept waste treatment plants ,national highways outside of compulsory environmental impact assessment from sensitive areas. It stopped common evidence and reduced corporate environment responsibility , regarding this , there is no compulsory to spent this money in areas where environmental destruction occurred. Despite the prior clearances, building works may be progressed in a land of 35 acre. One who wants to mine in a specific land , he could go on that process if it is not longer than five acre without the prior consent. As the draft explains, when it is appealed for environmental clearances, it should be considered as provided if it is not given within 15 days.

There should not be given any information for the people about the planning that are identified as diplomatic . It reduced the tenure to opine on it from 30 days to 20 days. The other defect is that it was not yet published in all languages that common people dealt with except Hindi and English. The court had verdicted that the draft has to publish in 22 languages in a case filed by the activist Vikrath Thogand. This is an open testimony for that government has a conspiracy behind getting it drafted .

Who are responsible for natural disasters?

Before getting drafted , EIA was more comfortable assessment to restrict  violations against ecology. In order to pave the way for corporates to come in and meet their own needs, central government  applies some ridiculous ideas. The governments are tied up with them. For an example , After Madhav Gadgil commission  report was outed , severe rebuttals and allegations were put forward in Kerela by so many political parties against implementing that report. But really the suggestions of the commission was applicable and practical. Then after two floods were struck upon the state, those politicians were emerged with support to Gadgil as a controversy.

    Kerala government’s decision to file a case against the verdicts of Green tribunal that distance between quarries and popular areas should be 200 meter, also proves to be in touch with corporates . it is also controversial that while Kerala government strictly opposes   EIA draft 2020 , they file a case in high court for quarry owners . How it can be justified?

The wide range of protests must play a vital role in disturbing and abolishing these tragical agendas. It is  very fair to say that protests like online petition campaign has really struck  upon the government’s planning’s and directions . The movements like Narmada Bachao Andholan led by Medha Patkar to conserve Narmadha river, were very productive and well popular. So, whatever, the protests should turn the way to what is correct and acceptable .


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