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NRC: Through the Prism of Reality

Ever since the controversial bill came into the figure, it has created rifts and disturbances among the people and everything has turned nasty. It is speculated that the major

It may be cliché to term NRC and CAA as unconstitutional as both of the aforementioned controversial bills is indubitably promulgated targeting Muslims, who have been living in the country for donkey’s years. Since the controversial CAA came into subsistence, there have been bazillions of demonstrations and stringent protests opposing the proposed bill. As a matter of fact, one is completely left flabbergasted and bemused to ruminate over why Muslims facing persecution are excluded from the bill? And what spurred Home Minister to enforce this venomous act that might spell a drastic impact? It is believed that every Hindu denizen facing persecution in Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan would be receiving citizenship. To be honest, the promulgation of CAA bears a plethora of disadvantages not only for Muslims as it is disseminated but also for other communities rather than Hindu. India is already facing an economic crisis and it has been manacled with recession as well. Ostensibly, it will take an astronomical amount of money for the completion of legal formalities that are needed to publish the forms and other requirements. If it is implemented, then the expense will touch the sky and add insult to the tribulation of recession.

The stubborn government continues to expostulate that there is no bond between the proposed NRC and CAA. But, our Home Minister Amit Shah has reiterated multiple times that CAA is the first step to NRC. Initially, CAA was enforced as CAB but later metamorphosed into CAA with the approval of honourable President Ram Nath Kovind. CAA factually aims at giving Indian citizenship to all the illegal immigrants except Muslims living in the Muslim countries and when it is successfully given a termination. Then, the procedures for NRC would be promulgated. Those who fail to present the demanded documents to prove their nationalities; they would be thrown into detention camps. To be quite explicit, a plethora of detention camps are being erected to get them thronged with those (Muslims) who got victimised to the fiasco while proving their nationalities. All the remarks declared by different leaders emphasizing that CAA is constitutional and it is not against the Muslims seem to be pernicious distortion and travesty of reality. The motive behind the implementation of CAA is to insulate and honour masses with Indian citizenship rather than Muslims. Here are a few of the requirements prescribed by the government to be contemplated for the people who come forth to vindicate their nationalities: Birth Certificate, Government School Documents, Documents of Job, Bank Account, Marriage Certificate and documents proving the ownership of any lands under a person in any parts of the country.

Unquestionably, NRC is the abbreviation of ‘National Register of Citizenship’ which implies having a detailed account of every citizen living in the country as it should be. But, as a matter of gargantuan grief, the ruling party has altered all the formalities and asked the details of things that might assure numerous Muslim families staring at a very bleak future. Their belongings will transfer to others. Their right to vote would also be snaffled. They will be traumatized in detention centres and to mention a few, they will have to live under the supervision of others. CAA and NRC have affirmatively been aired in both of the houses. It is elaborated that those (except Muslims) who migrated to India from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan before 2014, would be honoured with Indian citizenship. They would be treated like native Indians. Obviously, it is now crystal clear that Christians, Sikhs, Hindus and others would be allowed to come to India and live there peacefully. And those who profess from any tribes that subsist or relate to Islam will have to bear the brunt as they would have been shown the door. At this juncture, a very baffling as well as perplexing question arises: if NRC’s significant motive is to provide citizenship to the minorities facing persecution in Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan, then why the minorities like ‘Ahmadiyas’ in Pakistan are not being given the same treatment and why the minorities in any of these aforementioned countries have not satiated the consideration? Is not this discrimination? If presumed that it is unconstitutional and not a discriminatory one, then where they will have to be settled and does India hold enough resources to accommodate gazillions of illegal or migrated denizens? Truth be told, the country is already hit by the economic crisis and recession and this practice will definitely add fuel to the fire. 
To be precisely adumbrated, the government’s intention for the enforcement of CAA is merely to camouflage its ignominious fiasco the process for the NRC was being applied. Bhajpa thought that Assam is replete with tens of thousands of illegal immigrants and if NRC is implemented, they could be simply washed away. But, to its utter amazement or what it could be basically pronounced as BJP was completely shattered and mutilated when it came to know that every plan that was supposed to clean India from Muslim population has queered the pitch for BJP and as a corollary, out of 19 lakh illegal immigrants, 12 lakh of them were recognized as non-Muslims. Initially, the Bhajpa was at the peak of delectation and jubilation as it thought that India is going to be a Muslim-free nation, but it largely cost them and seemed their action like a figment of imagination. Moreover, all the BJP stalwarts were deadly flabbergasted when they became familiar with the result.


Ever since the controversial bill came into the figure, it has created rifts and disturbances among the people and everything has turned nasty. It is speculated that the major objective to enforce it is to honour harried minorities in Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan. But, to be ingenious, a question leaves me mystified and flummoxed that are the minorities of only three aforesaid countries hounded? Are not Tamil people persecuted in Sri Lanka? And all the minorities who are settled in Myanmar are tortured? Moreover, Nepal and Bhutan are also frighteningly populated by minorities then why are they given a cold shoulder and excluded from the list. Another pertinent question that has become a hot potato of every leading newspaper and channel is that where all the immigrants honoured with citizenship would be accommodated? Overpopulation is already has desecrated India and our government is unable to tackle all the challenges such as unemployment, poverty and sustainable development. I would like to mention that who would like to appreciate our government that is unable to arrange job opportunities for its genuine citizens who have been living here for donkey’s years and gears up to honour all those who have no camaraderie to the country with all the facilities after being termed as ‘Indian’ leaving its real citizens collapsed. Though strenuous efforts are being generated on the part of a restoration of doyens to present ‘NRC’ as a constitutional and they all are trying to present hollow testimonies that would profess NRC as a normal bill. If this is gets promulgated, then countless families would be traumatized and uncountable mansions would be sabotaged. However, those who continue to argue that NRC is the need of the hour, just need to have a dart on a bunch of pertinent points being delineated in an essay by Shayam Singh. Here a few of the relevant points being scattered below:
•            As far as NSSO reports are concerned, there are 170 lakh people who do not have a roof to live under it. Some of them sleep under a flyover and a few of the others doss down on the roads or under the bridges. As a matter of extreme grief, they are too poor to buy a house. Then, will they show authorities the documents digressing about under which flyovers or bridges they are settled?
•            Our country is also populated by 15 crores of nomadic people who do not have a permanent settlement. They roam here and there and sleep at any place they desire. Then what kind of documents they would present or submit to prove that they are legal citizens?
•            It is very astonishing that even the 2011 census failed to have a precise idea about the total number of ‘Adivasi People’. It is believed that our country is greatly populated by 8 and 5 lakh Adivasis. The government itself meets with a fiasco when it tries to accumulate accurate snippets regarding the population of Adivasis, then how will they ever be able to present the proposed documents.
•            Lastly, this point assumes magnitude that simply digresses about India’s literacy rate during freedom struggles and after independence. According to the literacy rate of 1970, the country’s literacy rate was merely 34%. This easily indicates that 66% of our denizens were unlettered and our trailblazers were illiterate. They didn’t have any evidence proving their educational qualifications. Remarkably, in today’s current scenario, there is almost 31 crore of Indians who are quite far from education. They have not yet visited any schools than from where they fetch certificates proving their educational perambulation in India?
Mr Shayam Singh patently writes accentuating that we should have a dart on the disadvantaged groups of our society and ponder over their forerunners’ documents. If they fail to submit all the required documents then how they will prove that they are genuine Indians. They do not possess enough wealth to take the claim to the courts. Singh emphasizes that NRC is an ignominious bill that will leave a drastic impact on the country and its denizens as well. Factually, NRC is not less than toxic poison for those who do have not sufficient documents.


There is no denying that NRC is against the genuine spirit of humanity as it later is followed by CAA. It is expected to turn a lot of brimming faces into a crestfallen appearance. A journalist rightly said: ‘NRC seems to be more destructive for Muslims than a sword that could create a river of blood. It becomes a very tough task for them to recuperate the older documents of purely two months, then how they will bring the documents of 1951. The government has clearly elucidated that Aadhaar, PAN Card and Voter ID will not work to pass the NRC test. To be patently deliberated, most of our documents are awash with several mistakes as well. It is very difficult to get them rectified. As a corollary, the Muslims will be thrown into detention centres. In this context, RSS and Bhajpa’s dream of morphing India into a ‘Hindutva’ nation would be materialized. One may be rendered speechless and may also ask how it will be? Then, to clearly pontificate, the Muslims will absolutely prefer conversion than being incarcerated into detention centres.

Indubitably, efforts are being nurtured to prune the Muslim population from the country. Article 370 was abrogated just because Kashmir was being run under the guidance of Muslim doyens. Muslims are going through a very tough time as they are brutalized and harried in the name of ‘Triple Talaq’, ‘Terrorists’ and ‘Traitors’. A writer has precisely composed that it is the government’s motive or a major motive to clean India from Muslims in the name of NRC. It is also professed that those living in rural areas do not have the roof and they are settled on the PWD land and some of them are settled on the wastelands. Almost 15% of our entire population completely hinges on roads and footpaths as well. As a sum-up, I would like to elaborate that BJP is making colossal attempts to metamorphose India, a secular country, into a Hindurashtra or a haven where Hindutva ideologies would prevail and pervade in the days to come.

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