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Ar-Rahman: One Who Is Filled With Clemency

 The most beneficial and the most merciful, one of the most celebrated and esteemed qualities of Allah. Being merciful is very hard and difficult. But Allah, our creator, the indef

 The most beneficial and the most merciful, one of the most celebrated and esteemed qualities of Allah. Being merciful is very hard and difficult. But Allah, our creator, the indefectible is an epitome of clemency. He created humans to worship Himself, offering them many blessings. But humans are always ungrateful and ungracious. They pamper in earthly glories and forget moral ethics. Allah send people into the world and instructed them to do virtues, but only a few obey his instructions and teachings. He promises us a reward in the afterlife if we are thankful. But we human beings, senseless creatures striving for this transient life and miss out the eternal life.
 Allah’s mercy and benevolence cannot be replaced by anything because he’s more kind, affectionate and benign. To understand his generosity, we must look at the blessings he has given us. In Surah Nahl, Allah is saying that “if you try to count Allah's blessings, you would never be able to number them". Let’s look at our bodies, we will be astonished! How perfectly he had created it. He gave us all organs. We are making use of it without any payment or remittance. There are a lot of people between us who are handicapped. People who do not have eyesight, hands, hearing, etc. are living in this world by sacrificing a lot of opportunities and possibilities. But Allah created us full of excellence and magnificence. How merciful He is! We didn’t ask him to give us a good physique but he granted us. Allah is Rahman, which means one who shows mercy to believers and unbelievers. Actually, what is the point to be merciful and generous to those who are not believing? There we can see the altitude of his leniency. In this world, we can see that Allah is blessing everyone irrespective of their belief. He is giving prosperity to Muslims and non-Muslims. He is giving wealth, success, and opulence to everyone. All Well-beings could have been limited to believers, but he did not. He opened his door of clemency to all. Humans lead immoral and unethical lives and cause a lot of trouble and anxiety. But Allah is more patient and tolerant. He does not take away the blessings he has given. He’s kindly forgiving us. In this pandemic situation, we realised a lot of realities, the actual cost of Allah’s blessings and benisons. Hospitals are used to charge millions for the fresh oxygen we breathe daily but every moment Allah gives us oxygen and we receive that blessing without any gratitude or respect. But when it is stopped we recognized its value. This beautiful nature we are enjoying with is designed by him. He did not take it back because of our character and behaviour. In human beings’ case, we will be very angry and aggressive to those who didn't obey us but Allah is Forgiving, He never treats His slaves badly, but He loves them more. 
The Muslim community had changed very much in the present scenario. They deviate from the teachings of the prophets and are worse than animals. They are propagating terrorism and bigotry in the name of religion. But in fact, Islam is against all forms of violence. It is a religion of peace and security. Now in all crimes and violations, we can see people who are called Muslims (they are Muslims only in name) and they are against the law and the rules. Allah is watching all these deeds but he’s not testing anyone instead of tolerating but giving them extra chances to be in good again. Muslims are taking part in rape cases, murders, prostitution, gambling, etc. They accuse and blame the Qur'an and Hadith. 
Allah could easily wipe out all these unthankful and disrespectful people like he did to the society of Hood (A), Looth(A), and Swalih(A), but he is kind and forgiving of everything. Forgiveness is a wonderful trait of Allah. 
He will forgive everything except polytheism, It does not matter what the sin is or how much. Muhammad (S) said, “Every son of Adam sins and the best of the sinners are those who constantly repent”. Allah is giving us a lot of opportunities to be close to him. He is offering us marvellous and splendid heaven. He makes a lot of offers on many special days and months. He has made Laylathul Qadr so special to only the companions of Muhammad(S). Those who do good deeds on that day will be rewarded for 1000 months. This was to make the companions of Muhammad (S) equal with the other prophet’s companions. Because they lived in this world for a long time and did a lot of good things, but Muhammad (PBUH)'s companions did not live that long, so he makes special offers. If you lie in prostration and thank Him for the rest of your life, it will not reach the limit of His blessing. Allah is saying through the Quran that “even if your sins are countless Allah’s mercy is endless indeed Allah forgives all sins”. Human beings are weak creatures and they will lose their emotions in many situations. They will get angry, depressed, happy etc. simultaneously.
 The harsh realities of life can sometimes make them anxious and frustrated. But we want to realise that there is an omnipotent power that is always looking as with full of mercy and kindness. He will be with us even if the whole world denies us. Because he promised that “Do not lose hope in the mercy of Allah indeed none lose hope in the mercy of Allah except the most ungrateful people”. 

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