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Similarities Between Erdogan and Sulthan Abdul Hamid

In recent times, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has become probably the most vilified leader in the International media due to his approach to Palestine issue. He had

In recent times, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has become probably the most vilified leader in the International media due to his approach to Palestine's issue. He had received a formidable policy against Israel not allowing Israel to tarnish the Islamic legacy. The same crises happened in Gaza in the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid in which he also protected Islam and its sacred tradition. Muslims loved Sulthan Abdul Hamid as he refused to sell the Palestinian lands to newly founded Zionist movements, which was supported by Great Britain. Through this essay, I try to delineate the similarities between Erdogan's rule and Sulthan Abdul Hamid.

Admirers of Abdulhamid inside Erdogan’s government see a Western hand at work fomenting such splits, and the idea is striking a chord. A survey by Istanbul’s Bilgi University found that “European states now want to divide and conquer Turkey.”

Abdul Hamid was labelled as the “Red Sultan” in Europe because he was blamed for the mass killings of rebellious Armenians. He also refused to open Palestinian lands to Jewish settlers. A European Parliament report faulted the TV series about the Sultan for conveying an “obvious anti-Semitic message.”

Crucial similarities

“Are you watching ‘Payitaht’?” Recep Tayyip Erdogan asked supporters at a recent rally, as he winds up for an election campaign that could crown his career. He spelt out why they should be. “Foreign powers are still seeking concessions from us,” the President said. “Never!”. By the way, Payitaht Abdul Hamid is not an ES Film project, it is Erdogan's project. Lots of people learn much more about Sultan Abdul Hamid Han.

Both of them carried a sick state. Sultan Abdul Hamid took the state from Masons and the Ottoman state was called ''Sick man''. Erdogan also takes a very sick state. Many Europeans had called Sultan Abdul Hamid a ''Red Sultan'', (Dictator). Today they make the same accuses to Erdogan due to his stringent Islamic policies. 

They made terrible caricatures and put the gun to Sultan Abdul Hamid on these caricatures, as well as occurred in Switzerland same against Erdogan. He moved the government to Bestepe Kulliye as Sultan Abdul Hamid moved the government to Yildiz Palace.

Sultan Abdul Hamid had done everything that was said by the British in the first five years, Erdogan also did what the USA said in the first five years. This was a political tactic, both were changing the state's critical service officers at this time. Both tasted the betrayal from the closed ones. Students and young people were asking ''Freedom'' to Sultan Abdul Hamid Han, today they asking it to Erdogan.

On 15th July 2016, Erdogan gave an order to the people ''sokaÄŸa çıkın'', it also has meaning keep streets and does not leave it to this non-believers. This is a kind of huge responsibility. This is an order that is not everyone can give. 251 people martyred on that day. Did you understand what a heavy order is?

Sultan Abdul Hamid can also give an order to ''Avci Taburlari-Diliranlar'' these are not normal soldiers. These are people who have completely zero mercy to the traitors. But Hunkar did not want Istanbul to become a blood river.

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