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It’s the Right Time

Oh dude, why you dilapidate me You are aggravated by unaccompanied words Deplorably, dark episodes piled on the agony It is time to sweep away filthy shades Let me spray my beacon

Oh dude, why you dilapidate me
You are aggravated by unaccompanied words
Deplorably, dark episodes piled on the agony
It's time to sweep away filthy shades
Let me spray my beacon of glow
Over the violence, the warmonger spreads
Vivify the light of a tranquil life soon
Shave off bloody attitude
And cut off disdainful egotism
Serve humanity that’s the soul of life
Serve the deprived, the other side of colours
Dude, you shouldn’t let any land bear its last breath

Oh, who you!
Your panoramic words wrap the gleam of facts
Why are you not answering?
Yeah, it’s the time to refresh awhile
Not to pervade cabbage of atrocities in tranquil vista
Be grateful to the eternal spirit,
The sole truth that is watching you always

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