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Small Reasons and Big Consequences Behind Russo-Ukrainian War

 It is going to end a fortnight amid the sound of sirens, loss of lives, destruction of properties and meetings of diplomats with Russia’s forceful intrusion or invasion in Ukraine

 It is going to end a fortnight amid the sound of sirens, loss of lives, destruction of properties and meetings of diplomats with Russia’s forceful intrusion or invasion in Ukraine. Currently marked as Russo-Ukrainian War seems not to cease with all these consequences. As far as it’s imagined, this greed made geopolitical dilemma will engulf the essence of humanity. With an individual death, the whole of humanity dies. 

   On the morning of 24th February, the war strategies of the Kremlin under President Vladimir Putin came into action with the declaration of Ukrainian separatist regions Luhansk and Donetsk as independents. Apparently, these regions became open gates to the interior Ukrainian territory for the Russian military. With the strong resistance force, Ukraine under the leadership of president Vladomyr Zelenskyy responded steadily in an attempt to protect the nation and its sovereignty. 

   Where a war erupts, the civilians become victims. Whatever humanitarian policies are, they are violated. A bunch of condemnation comes without any immediate and decisive action. The ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War casualties touched death over thousand lives including civilians and military personnel. A huge amount of properties went under fire and missile destruction. Panicked foreigners including students seek to leave the country and find a safe shelter. Millions have been displaced and become refugees. Meanwhile, emergency meetings of UN General Bodies and NATO countries' discussions took place. 

   Explicit or implicit, the reason behind this insurgency is stated that the probability of Ukraine's membership in NATO shuttered Russia’s fear of US military presence into Eastern Europe territories. However, the matter of membership which Ukraine wants eagerly was not a relevant subject during the beginning of current development. It’s the aggression of the Russian government that incited the invasion of Ukraine. The reunion of fragile parts of the broken USSR is another prime articulation of the Putin government. 

   However, being weak and small without proportional comparison Ukraine with stiff measures stand in front of the growing invasion of the Russian military. President Zelenskyy himself has been a big source of courage and inspiration for Ukrainians to face Russia head to head on their own soil. 

   Global anger has grown red towards Russia’s invasion with empathy for the Ukrainians. A large number of European countries including the UK and Germany, their International diplomatic unions have called the embargo on Russia in terms of trade, economy and relationship. The US has initiated this way of boycotting Russia by declaring several sanctions. Meanwhile, India has sought the route of its old ‘non-alignment' diplomacy. 

   When to end the invasion, Russia thinks of the complete surrender of the Zelenskyy government. However, crossing the military limit, this has been a war of civilians for the Ukrainian people. Like each history tells a war winds off with the lives of country people. 

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