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What Is in My Bag?

A day travelling in the metro, The officials noticed me and my identity, Looked at me twice, They had a thorough security checking, Asked me

A day travelling in the metro,
The officials noticed me and my identity,
Looked at me twice,
They had a thorough security checking,
Asked me 'what's in my bag?' 
So curious they were,
I took out my mini bottle of perfume and my wallet 
Which they may have considered 
As a potential drug or a weapon,
Little did I know.

Why does this happen to us many a time?
Is it our looks, is it our identity,
Is it our community..?
Which makes you think we are hazardous creatures
Who can't think like you,
Or maybe not even capable
Of having sushi with chopsticks?

I, being Muslim doesn't limit 
My dreams or opportunities, 
It's beyond your imagination.
Our faith is the wings to fly high
Just like you all do.

It's not us or our hijab 
That should be discarded,
It's your malicious mind and disagreement 
Of us being equal to you.

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