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Is Our India Secular?

Secularism, which is a feature of some nations, is considering all the religious groups in a particular state/nation. Simply we can define secularism as the separation of religion

Secularism, which is a feature of some nations, is considering all the religious groups in a particular state/nation. Simply we can define secularism as the separation of religion from civic affairs and the state. The people in a secular country get equal rights to worship their God and perform their religious rituals. There is no discrimination among people on behalf of their religion. A secular nation doesn't have a particular or official religion like Saudi Arabia, an Islamic country. 

Our India is well known for its secularism. Our respected leaders made our country secular. Hence, India has neither official religion nor particular religious groups. India's constitution considers all religious groups as equal and gives them all the rights to worship their God and to perform rituals and other deeds based on their faith. So India consists of diverse people. All the people in India lived a happy life with the great feature, 'Democratic Secular India'.

But, today our government or administration is trying to make our secular India a Hindu nation. Most of the days we can hear, see, know about the plight of poor Dalits and Muslims who were attacked by the terrorist RSS people. They are known as Sangh Parivar. They attack a number of low-class people in India. There are so many examples of their cruel deeds towards them. Recently, we heard heartbreaking news which happened in north India. A journalist killed a poor Muslim man by attacking him and the video got viral. In another state, most of the Fridays Muslim men couldn't pray Swalathul Jumua.

Our secular-democratic India got a blackened day, it is the day which a court in Uttar Pradesh said that the persons who actually destroyed the Babari masjid had not done it. It was a black day. Every Indian citizen know who destructed the Masjid, but the court 'only' said they don't know who had done it or they didn't get any proof. This happened in our 'secular India'. All the incidents like this erase the great feature of our nation- "Secularism".

The citizenship amendment bills in our country show the pathetic condition of secular India. Now also, after thousands of strikes, marches and others our administration is going to pass the bill and make it a law. The Act surely makes our India a 'Hindustan'. This is the bad face of secular India.

The people who have to protect the rights of people destroy the rights of people. It is the time to fight against the bad deeds of Sangh Parivar. Let's wish for a Secular India and pray for it!

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