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Life of Dr Lawrence Brown

He received a BA from Cornell University of Arts and Sciences, an M.D. from Brown Medical School, and completed his ophthalmology residency at George Washington University.


In the modern world, there are a lot of personalities who should be praised for their admirable works. Dr Laurence Brown is a renowned Islamic scholar of the modern era who has spread the sacred message of Islam all over the world through his notable writings and presentations. One, who entered the path of Islam after a chaotic life, saw his propagating works gain popularity among the general public, despite having been born in 1959 in California as a Christian, a retired air force officer, and the American Medical Director and well-known Chief Ophthalmologist of one of the largest eye centres in the Middle East.

He received a BA from Cornell University of Arts and Sciences, an M.D. from Brown Medical School, and completed his ophthalmology residency at George Washington University. He is a famous doctor in America. He captured pride in his writings as well, particularly in his novels, including his breakout action adventure novel "The First Scroll," which became a best seller on Mis Godder's Kindle, and his masterpiece book, "Mis Godd: A Road Map of Guidance in the Abrahamic Religions." In addition, he is the author of four books on comparative religion. He conquers the hearts of people with his adorable writings.

His lineage is related to an American Christian race from 1677. Now his family includes his wife. Two daughters and some mammals His attractive life has witnessed many striking incidents. In an interview, he explains what made him convert to Islam. He says: "I am an atheist; I am not focused on any specific religion; I do not believe in any religion, But in 1990, it was my last year of ophthalmology at George Washington University, and on October 10, my second daughter Hannah was born, but a dangerous disaster caught her. A gunmetal blue colour affected her from her neck to her toes; her blood was insufficient for circulation; breathing was difficult; and doctors advised me to open surgery for her. At that time, I prayed to God for the first time in my life. It was like for an atheist: if there is any god who can protect my daughter’s soul, protect her, and if she gets cured, guide me to the real religion that is most pleasing to me, I will believe in it. After a decade of days, she got better from her illness. Eventually, doctors said she was going to be okay, with no need for surgery, and she was healed. It led me to a religious investigation, and I realized the depth of my oath to God. I was primarily interested in religious studies. Firstly, I studied the Abrahamic religion, but I didn’t feel comfortable with it. Then I focused my studies on Christianity, researched many books and references, and visited many priests, bishops, and fathers." In an interview, he said: "There are no fathers, bishops, or orthodox priests that I didn’t see."

                 He thinks Christianity is true, he tried to become Christian but couldn’t. Finally, he was directed to Islam, and he travelled to many places to learn Islam. And the learning of the Quran and Martin Ling’s Muhammad makes him wonder, his heart has been drawn to Islam, and he realizes Islam is the real faith. In 1994, he converted to Islam with the blessing of Allah, and he adhered to Allah, it was like a resurrection for him, Now he is preaching to the strayed hearts to bring them to the bank of Islam. Through his beliefs, views, and humanity, he became a respectable individual in today's society.

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