
Travel Tips

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Hotel Review

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Once upon a time, a man lived in a Palace. Despite his richness, he was interested in exploring tourist places and being adventurous, like climbing and swimming. One time, he decided on a pan-India tour.

Once upon a time, a man lived in a Palace. Despite his richness, he was interested in exploring tourist places and being adventurous, like climbing and swimming. One time, he decided on a pan-India tour. Then he started the journey. After a long journey, he went to the most beautiful forest in the world. He was traveling through the forest at night. The driver park their caravan on the side that time he heard a small sound of a little tiger. Then he
looked out.

That time he saw the dead bodies of a tiger and a lion, and then he looked at the surroundings of the dead body. Then he listen a sound from the bush reached there and in his search in the bush, he suddenly saw that it was the small babies of tigers and lions.Then he put them on the bus and took them home. Then he cleaned them and put them into the cage with his first pet Bear. That he got it from Himachal Pradesh when he went to climb the longest mountain in the world, Mount Everest.

After some days, he built a cage for those three animals; it was like a big forest. Then the tiger, lion, and bear live very happily and are friendly. After so many days, he saw The lion was becoming very tired. Then, after some days, he doesn’t find the lion in his cage. Then he searched for the lion in the cage. Then he saw the lion die. And he dug up the body. After that, the tiger and bear searched for the lion so many times But they couldn’t find the lion. The next day, he gave many types of meat to them, But they don’t eat it. This incident repeats itself for so many days and months But they don’t do anything and play. They are sitting very sadly in that cage. After some days, he understands that they are unhappy Because their friend Lion died.

Then he got the idea that he should make a statue of a lion. Then he calls many craft workers and selects one to make a lion. Then the craft worker builds the statue of the lion very well. Then the tiger and bear became hungry and played with that statue. Then they live very happily and powerfully in that cage. But when we look at human beings, we can see that all of them are going with money and business and they are killing others for money. They are not thinking about their relatives or family members Because they only need money. We can see someone is killing his father, mother, and relatives. So I am suggesting it for all. Human beings want to think of at least one animal.

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