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Hotel Review

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Dashed in One Second

Dust motes dance in a moonlit morgue, where a lonely corpse remembers the warmth of family, their joy shattered by tragedy. A final moonbeam whispers goodbye, leaving him in the cold, forever orphaned


A dusty atmosphere
In a collapsed hospital,
I am lying without any soul
Bathered in full of blood!

No one looks at me,
But a bright moon
With her last sight
Whispering to me something
And seems to disappear forever.

I am hearing those words alone
That pinned my heart all on,
“Alas! Here is an orphan
All his family crashed down”.
That destroyed my mind forever.

I am remembering those days alone
I had a day before 
Filled with happy celebrations!
Chilling vibes and colorful moments.
My small brother with cute sister,
They were decorating my room.
My lovely mother, was in busy,
Baking the cake for me.
My father, the best friend.
He bought something
Special for me

Once again that moo
Whispered to me something
Smiled with filled eyes
And went dark.
‘But all dashed in one second’.

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