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Exploring the inner conflict within human nature. In a symbolic courtroom setting, humanity is forced to confront itself, grappling with its contrasting aspects of kindness and cruelty, tolerance and aggression. Through vivid imagery and intense questioning, the poem challenges readers to reflect on the true essence of humanity—revealing both the shadows and light that define who we are.
In the dock of the Hall of Justice
Humanity was questioned,
Horrendously forced,
To unveil its real identity.
Puzzling within that
Gloomy dock in the bright courthouse,
Humanity stood perplexed; failed and
much weakened to recognize its identity.
The creepy lawyer, adjusting his
Black and White robe,
It’s been sticking its gaze on that
Dragged its collar, asking it
Are you the tolerance
Or the damn evil.
The up-to-date reformers threatened something
By their stained fingers, to be
The humanity.
The humanity of where commands
Should be prioritized over the screams;
Where the dust should be filled in the mouths
Before it’s willing to kiss its favs;
Where gravestones should be dominantly planted
Much better than the olive saplings.
By the droplets of long-lasted trauma,
Someone rewrote the HUMANITY;
Welcome to the aggressive world
With a warm hug,
So, you do iron all the creases, It’d crumpled on you