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Philosophy and Theology, in Critic Views

Here intentionally we check and analysis the core essence of each philosopher and scientist. Dockings refers the limitation of knowledge through his master piece, The God Delusion

Why do you believe strongly, the science and philosophy is always right? And why the thinkers limit the knowledge always in logic and reasoning findings? Here intentionally we check and analysis the core essence of each philosopher and scientist. Dockings refers the limitation of knowledge through his master piece, The God Delusion, "the absence of evidence is the evidence of absence". However, the western philosophers justify the theology with prime theme of philosophy.

In critic view, the theological critics are primarily belonged to the content of Conservative Christianity. Logically, the critical thinking and defending is a reasonable reflection that the thinking focused on deciding what to believe of do, it has also been described as "thinking about thinking".

The critique of Aristotle that had begun in Mu’tazili circles and found a prominent one, Abu Bakr al-Razi, he established a solid argument in order to referring with Baghdad Christian theologians and philosophies. Until the solid spark of al-Ghazali, with his self experienced and tough on Greek, he shielded the Aristotelians and their Hellenistic predecessors, those were Avicenna and Averroes.

The result of al-Ghazali was found major mistakes in Aristotle rising philosophy. It has forbidden in Muslim teachings and principles. We get the misuse of and under-estimate of “Ihya”, the master piece of al-Ghazali, which was composed in order to newly invented philosophy whatever it was never opposed the Islamic theology in reasonable reflections. This integration has played a Shariah conflicts among the Spanish Malikaites, who were following the School of Malik. In following days, the “Ihya” was ruled on to set fire due to the integration of Greek philosophy in logical and theological arguments in most of its descriptions.


Christian theology was not provided a positive concern  due to the synthesis of philosophy and mysticism in order to solving problems and difficulties of Aristotelian philosophy on the other hand, the same philosophy, itself did not question that need to have resource to the Qur'an and the Hadith to find right answers. The theology concerns, itself only with the external expressions of the divine source of knowledge. The partial and logical proved philosophies still alive with Islamic theology in light way.


Wisdom of illuminations, one of the prime concerns of al-Suhrawardi while he rejected the Avicenna's distinction in between “essence” and “existence” with Aristotle's distinction between “Substane” and “accidents”, possibility and actuality which formed in order to distinction of reason. Instead, he concentrated on the notion of being and its negation, which he caned “light" and "darkness" with explanation of the gradation of beings as gradation of their mixture, in according to the degree of "strength" of "perfection" of their explained light.

The science and religion rather provides more rated out-comes in order to exterior angles, some philosophers claimed that those were only two of aspects of human life, either it is similar of resemble in out coming results.  The major critic of philosophy of religion refers through the positivism, is a term introduced by Augusta Comte (1798-1857), a French philosopher who championed the natural and social science over against theology with the philosophical practice of metaphysics.


In early 20th century, the group of philosophers who met in Austria, It survived about 1922 to 1938. The circle opposed the theological concepts of whole major religions, and threw the questions among the rational thinkers to justify the theological concepts, which provides much invisible facts and rituals, how does it remain in logical thinking and finding.

In short, the grass root of positivism influence concern strictly opposed the Orthodox Christianity with it’s believes to basic concern about sense of prediction, is never allows to fact, while the Circle of Vienna following in strongly with reasonable reflections in all matters with the research. In contrast, the free thinkers and positivism always critic the traditional rituals code theologies without ensuring its truth trust in philosophical reflections.

At last, the increasing critics are only coming with the result of limited knowledge and thinking as we refer in beginning of the article, the absence of evidence is the evidence of absence" in fact, the world famous philosophers and logic intelligent too much promote the followers and readers, in the concept of limitation in finding result, while the scientific concern too much approved it as wrong, because of it will discover in further days as science Itself discover.

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