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Not Everyone You Meet in Life Will Stay

Not everyone you meet in life will stay.   Not everyone in your life will make it till the finish line with you.   Because people in your life, most definitely leave.  

Not everyone you meet in life will stay.  
Not everyone in your life will make it till the finish line with you.  
Because people in your life, most definitely leave.  
Be it a friend whom you held so close, or your siblings who shared the womb with you, or even your parents who looked after you all this while or anyone who happened on the way.  
Either priorities change or their needs change,  
or the reality of death will make sure to seperate you.  
People's departure can hurt you a lot.  
Sometimes certain departures swims back in your head, sleep in the pit of your heart, no matter how much time passes by without letting you get over but helping you master the art of pretense.  
People will happen, serve their purpose and leave,  
but do not hold onto the hands that wishes to let yours go.  
Sometimes it's life or otherwise it's death that does the job,  
anyway 'forever' in this world is nothing but a lie.  
But please don't regret for the times you've been there for someone who left, because 
at that time,  
in that moment,  
they might've really needed someone,  
to show them they're loved.

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